Welcome to your Nutrition and Lifestyle Questionary!
This questionary was created and placed here especially for my clients diagnosing! If it is interesting for you welcome as well! There are short results at the end!
Artificial sweeteners, sugar substitute
Desserts, sweets, pure sugar
Bars "Heathy" (dates, dried fruits, honey etc)
Semi-finished meat products
Margarine, butter with unsaturated oil
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Meat, bird, fish and seafood
Drinking water - filtered and/or from glass bottles
I try to adhere to the proper nutrition principles
Cannabis and its derivatives
LSD, ecstasy and other club drugs
Heroin and/or other opiates
Daily morning workout/exercise
Adherence to severely restrictive diets/vegetarianism/veganism
Stable sleep 7-8 hours a day
Work more than 60 hours a week
Hormone replacement or/and menopausal hormone therapy
NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin etc)
Drugs for treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Oral contraceptives or other contraceptives
Metformin or other hypoglycemic drugs
Testosteron or drugs with it
Antitumor drugs/ Chemotherapy