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Welcome to Get Know Your Life Expectancy

Welcome to the "Life Expectancy: The Funny Side" questionnaire! Life expectancy is a serious topic, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it. In this lighthearted survey, we'll explore the whimsical side of life expectancy, asking you quirky questions and offering humorous insights into longevity. From guessing your age based on your favorite childhood cartoon to predicting how many cats you'll own in your golden years, get ready for a laugh-out-loud look at life expectancy. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this hilarious exploration of life, laughter, and the pursuit of a long, happy life!

1. You have at least 7,5 hours of sleep at least 5 days a week

2. You eat at least 4 honest servings of fruit or vegetables every single day

3. You have not smoked for at least 3 last years

4. You have never had unprotected sex with a stranger

5. You belong to a faith-based community and you show up at least 6 times a month

6. You have at least 3 good friends who 1. You like, 2. With whom you can have a serious conversation, 3. You can call in a bad day and they’ll actually care

7. You can write on a piece of paper in one sentence your life meaning, your purpose of life

8. You get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day and that counts walking

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